a conversation on biblical womanhood


Hi Friend,

Let’s talk about Biblical Womanhood. Some time ago I decided to sit down and start writing. The Holy Spirit led me to a conversation about Biblical Womanhood. This was birthed out of my not understanding why modern wave feminism didn’t fit how I feel. I realized: feminist ideologies are not rooted in the Word of God. 

But let’s be clear, here is what i’m not saying: I am NOT saying women deserve anything less nor should be treated differently on the basis of sex. Here’s what I am saying: our validation as women is not based on or determined by the affirmation of other people or other women. Instead, our validity and wholeness is affirmed by Christ Himself when we become new in Him (1 Corinthians 1:30, Colossians 2:10). 

Biblical Womanhood requires total submission, obedience, meekness, gentleness, faithfulness, and more. It also requires community. It requires sisterhood and people that can hold you accountable and give you advice rooted in the Word and delivered with love (John 15:17, Romans 14:13). 

So what are some key points? Well, Biblical Womanhood is not shaming women, it is calling women forward to the light and presence of the Lord (and again doing so lovingly). It is not dismissing women or making women feel small. Biblical Womanhood IS championing the relationship between Christ and His daughters and His perfect creation of us.

Let me provide you with a consolidated definition that you can reference at any time! This definition was built from many conversations with God and brothers and sisters in Christ. This definition came from reading His word and being obedient in my prayers. I make this clear because I cannot take full credit for this definition. So I take a moment to thank the people who listened to me, helped me form this definition, and faithfully prayed with and over me. You know who you are, and I thank you sincerely.

Biblical Womanhood defined: The concept of Biblical Womanhood is submitting the social construct of modern wave feminism and embracing the Word of God to be the lone dictator of one’s thoughts and actions. This concept entails living a life of modesty (1 Timothy 2:9), meekness and gentleness (1 Peter 3:4) and a life that is fully surrendered and submitted to God (James 4:7). It is being obedient to the instruction from God after Eve’s original sin (Genesis 3:16). The life of a Biblical Woman is about uncovering and establishing her gifts as the PERFECT helper to grow the mission, vision and assignment of her husband, should she find herself called to marriage (Genesis 2:18, 1 Cor. 7:8). Therefore, a Biblical Woman is wise, submissive, gentle, passionate, prayerful, predestined, justified and glorified (Romans 8:30, Proverbs 31:26). The best part about accepting His word is that we are now daughters of the most High King (John 1:12). The Biblical Woman is NOT enough, but God IS, and when we invite Him to inhabit our hearts, we can do all things (Philippians 4:14, Psalm 42:2, John 15:5). 

I want to encourage you to throw off the armor the world has given you and equip yourself with the armor of God because we’re fighting a spiritual battle, not an earthly one (Ephesians 6). The enemy wants you tangled in how the world defines you, because it distorts what you KNOW to be true about Christ. Be encouraged in the fact that you, YES YOU, were created to bring glory to our King (Romans 11:36). Like Jeremiah, there is an appointment for you that was crafted before your formation (Jeremiah 1:5). So why would we let feminism, a movement that has 19 ideologies define us, when our Heavenly Father chose us in Him before all creation (Ephesians 1:4-12)?

Let’s build a community that is intentional and faithful in the pursuit for Christ’s heart. I’ll start! Take this as my official denouncement of modern wave feminism as I've picked up the cross for Biblical Womanhood. I am unafraid to boldly live my life for Christ. (And again to re-iterate, I am a major champion of women, their joy and their success). I am also deeply aware of what He is calling me to do, and I pray He reveals the same in your heart. 

Go forth and be encouraged to live a more than conqueror life (Romans 8:31-39).




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