consider me, single


Here is an excerpt from my upcoming book, Consider, Me Single:

Chapter: The Revelation of Consideration

The title of this book really wrote itself before I even knew it. People I shared it with said “you know what, that makes a lot of sense.” Honestly, I wasn’t even sure what sense it actually made but hey I went with it. 

Yet, it would be 3 years before God downloaded the why behind “Consider Me Single.” I simply thought it was something cute, but then it became an understanding between me and the Father, as he revealed what consideration looks like. 

It can be a hard concept to understand: that the God of the universe takes you into consideration in everything He does. Yet, like the personal God He is, He considers you in all of it. I even find that in my quiet time with Him, He invites me to “consider something new” to help me get aligned with His will and His standards. 

Let’s look broadly:  Miriam Dictionary would say that ‘to consider’, is to take great regard before making a decision. That’s what the Father does – He thinks about you deeply and makes decisions that will always bring about glory for him and good for those who love Him (Romans 8:28). 

As I decided to sit down and write this book, I realized that there was pride attached to wanting to say I was a wife, or even a fiance. It seemed like that would validate who I was and allow me to “advance” to the next stage of life. Like “Consider Me Single,” would one day be “Consider Me Married,” and all things would feel “complete” for me.

But, as I think about how God has had me in His plan from the beginning, I realize this book is not “Consider Me Single,” it’s “Consider me, single.” This comma places the emphasis on the tender care and kindness of the Lord that my singleness is not by misfortune, or unworthiness, or anything other than the total loving consideration of the Father. He takes great regard for me and my life, so much so that He has appropriately placed me as I'm supposed to be in my life right now. 

The desire for marriage remains the same, yet, I thank God for the consideration. Because imagine if I got everything I prayed for… exactly as I prayed for it. Instead, His will prevails and He continues to show me that His thoughts will always be superior (Isaiah 55). 

In all of it, like my dad (affectionately known as Mr. Todd or Toddy Todd or Coach LJ) who has made decisions on where to live, when to move, or even what to eat, he deeply considered how any of it would affect myself, my sisters and my mother (his wife). If this is my earthly father, how much more will the Heavenly father take care of me, and you!!!

Now hear me when I say this.. Your relationship with your dad is not the standard by which your Heavenly Father will treat you. As His beloved daughter, you are His and He is yours! If you have an unfavorable relationship with dad, I am so sorry you have to know that kind of pain. Yet, rest assured that the goodness of the Father supersedes all relationships here on earth. He loves you and considers you more than anyone you know. 

The Creator of all things, considers you. 

Be encouraged to pray this prayer of adoration of the Father for how He considers you:

Full of splendor and Majesty,

You consider me.

Full of Grace and compassion,

You consider me.

Full of truth and justice,

You consider me. 

And in everything, you remain 

And you consider me. 

You whisper in the wind 

Beam in the sun rays 

And love in the rain drops

And you consider me. 

In your might and sovereignty 

You consider me,

So I give back to you

What’s already yours.

Show me the kind of worship

That’s worthy of Thanking You for considering me.


a conversation on biblical womanhood